Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Going native does not mean going bush

For many years the term native garden has had people picturing scrappy gardens full of sickly looking plants but it doesn't have to be this way. Australia has an abundance of beautiful plants worthy of planting in the garden. Some you may recognise others will surprise you. Following are some of my favourites for south east Queensland.

      Curcuma australasica             Asplenium australasicum           Proiphys cunninghamii
        - Cape York Lily                            - Birds Nest Fern                           - Brisbane Lily
                                                                                                                Source: http://www.shieldsgardens.com

         Cordyline stricta                     Alocasia brisbanensis                    Alpinia caerulea
   - Narrow Leaf Palm Lily                       - Spoon Lily                               - Native Ginger
         Source: http://abbiejury.co.nz                                                                           Source:  Ethel Aardvark   

These plants are great for shady parts of the garden. They do need to be kept moist
especially during summer this can be achived by mulching well and a deep watering ever 2-3 days.

          Backea virgata                       Syzygium australe cultivar                 Gossia inophloia

      - Twiggy Heath Myrtle                        -'Pinnacle' Lily Pily                  - Blushing Beauty' Myrtle
  Source:  http://www.oramsnurseries.com.au/        Source: http://www.prestigeplants.com.au                    Source: greenhills.org.au

All the plants above are full sun plants with a natural dense habit.

        Pandorea jasminoides           Callerya megasperma                 Tecomanthe hillii
          Bower of Beauty                          Native Wistaria                       Fraser Island Creeper
Source: http://www.flowersinfo.net/           Source: http://www.noosanativeplants.com.au/    Source:  http://www.oramsnurseries.com.au/  

The vines above are great for trailing over arbours or on fences. You may need to train the vine in the early years of growth however it does not take long until you are rewarded with abundance of beautiful flowers.

       Melicope elleryana                     Waterhousia floribunda           Harpullia Pendula
        -Pink Corkwood                            - Weeping Lily Pilly                     - Tulipwood
Source: Black Diamond Images                                   Source: Brisbane City Council                      Source: http://www.hear.org/

Melicope elleryana is a great bird attracting tree when in flower. With an open habit it is great for creating dappled shade areas and grows best with other trees. Both the Waterhousia and the Harpullia are great shade trees and are commonly used as street trees throughout Brisbane.